Friday, October 19, 2018

Featured Cat - Sally Cat

Black Persian
Born July 2, 1921

'Sally Cat' was the spoiled favourite of both Cyril and Gretta Yeates, and her life spans that period during which Mr. & Mrs. Yeates solidified their activity within the Fancy, in their joint involvement with the Black and White Cat Club, and Cyril's capacity as Hon.Secretary of the National Cat Club (1923).

It was in fact, through the forebears of 'Sally Cat' or 'Cara' as she was affectionately known, that Cyril Yeates was first introduced to the then Miss Gretta Wright, at the home of Sally's breeder, Mrs Fisher White.

 Cyril was an exceptional organizer, and this is best exemplified by his achievements in 1923 alone, during which, while also Secretary of the National Cat Club, he edited Volume II of the Studbook and the Supplement to Volume I, which covered the period of the Great War, during which no Stud Book had been issued. In 1922 he had, jointly with Miss Frances Simpson, run the first Kensington Show, following this in 1923, with both the Southern Counties Cat Club Show and the Crystal Palace Show. In fact, he ran every Crystal Palace Show from 1923 through to 1936, the year in which the tragic fire destroyed the Crystal Palace on the night before the Show, causing a sudden and unexpected transference of venue!

Read all about 'Champion Sally Cat' at

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