Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Featured Cat - Benjamin of The Durhams

Orange (Red) Persian male
born 1901

The story of ‘Benjamin’ clearly demonstrates, that even when we have something to work with that is less than desirable in some trait, (in this case, the lack of a known pedigree), we can with careful planning and selection, produce something of value for our own or someone else’s breeding program.

Mrs. D'arcy Hildyard gave her honest opinion based upon her actual experience, and was only too willing to share the secret of her success. 

This, too, is a reminder, that the experience of one can be the learning curve of another when valuable information is shared. And only by sharing our advances, and how we came to achieve them, do we truly add to the pool of knowledge that will advance our particular breed or color variety. Share your knowledge, your lines and your acquired wisdom with others, as only then, will you be truly fulfilling your role as ‘a breeder’.

Complete story at

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