Sunday, April 7, 2019

Mrs. Gertrude Taylor

Mrs. Gertrude Taylor (Taylor-Sweenie or Taylor-Sweeney in some references), of Detroit, MI, was a very active person in the cat fancy in its early years.

She was a CFA judge, and served as Vice-President of CFA in 1918 and 1922-1927. She was elected CFA President in 1928 and served until 1933. In 1933, she was part of a group of 8 clubs and several officers and judges who broke away from CFA to form the United Cat Clubs of America, Inc.

She was active as editor and publisher of The Cat Courier for numerous years, with the magazine celebrating it's 25th anniversary in 1937. In addition, she operated a 'Cattery and Kennel Supplies' business in Detroit.

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