Thursday, November 29, 2018

Unidentified Burmese in a photo that accompanied a 1946 Cats Magazine article, written by Mr. Donald Came, who bred CH Moulmein Theebau, a Burmese born in 1948. Theebau is one of the cats pictured in the new Burmese Gallery on The History Project -

The two-part Cats Magazine article can be downloaded from the LIBRARY link on The History Project site.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mrs. Gertrude Taylor, CFA President

Mrs. Gertrude Taylor (Sweenie) was extremely active in the cat fancy from 1917 to the late 1930's, serving as both CFA Vice-President and President. A breeder of Siamese, she was also well known for her mail-order cattery supply business. Sources tells us that it was not unknown for Mrs. Taylor to "smell up" her apartment building on weekends when she "cooked" her potions to sell to cat fanciers. 

Mrs. Taylor also had a hand in keeping the cat fancy informed, through publication of The Cat Courier magazine, which she took over on the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Brace of Rochester, NY. 

Read more about Mrs. Taylor's part in the early Cat Fancy days here:

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Featured Cat - Paquita

Sable Burmese female
born June, 1956

The story of 'Paquita' runs parallel with the dissemination of All-American Burmese bloodlines across the globe. In this case, from American lines which had first made their way to Great Britain, and then from there to New Zealand and later, also to Australia.

'Paquita' was one of the first three Burmese cats to be exported from the UK to New Zealand. She was a young but prolific breeder and in her genetic make-up was a little dilute surprise! Her daughter 'Ransein Talisman', who was also a sable Burmese, was bred to Ch. Merrick Viking, another sable Burmese, and from this combination was born the first All-Blue litter of Burmese in the Southern Hemisphere.

Read all about Mrs. Sedcole's favorite cat, 'Paquita', here:

Friday, November 23, 2018

Featured Cat - Ankaret

Ruddy Abyssinian Female
born 1929

This little female was bred by Mrs Constance Carew Cox, of whom Mr H C Brooke had the following to say about her contribution to the Abyssinian breed:-

“Had not Mrs. Carew-Cox about this time devoted herself to the breed I very much fear it would, ere now, have become extinct. Neglected - Heaven knows why - by the Fancy at large in an inconceivable manner, this beautiful and interesting breed certainly owes its existence to-day mainly to the devoted care and affection bestowed upon it by Mrs.Carew-Cox, who for a quarter-of-a-century has fostered it in the face of discouragements which I verily believe would have "choked off" any other person in the Fancy.

“Not for her the "big business" in stud fees, the "queued-up" queens, the cups and specials galore, which fall to the lot of many Long-hair breeders; no, in the face of rotten judging, lack of recognition, poor prizes, lack of market, and a heart-breaking mortality in kittens, this plucky lady has carried the Abyssinian flag triumphantly through."

It is a touching tribute to her efforts to preserve the foundations of this truly amazing and unique breed.

Read the full story of Ankaret, her relatives and owners at

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

If you have looked at individual cat pages (all 300+ of them!) on The History Project site, you will realize that each cat file comes with a FACTFILE, which includes pedigree, registration, and ownership information on the individual cat, plus a photo. 

We've long known that the information in the Factfiles is important historical pedigree data, so to make it even easier to locate all this data, we have compiled all 300+ Factfiles into a slideshow, which you can find at

Monday, November 19, 2018

Tommie Meadow with Singapura, Pusse

Here's Tommy Brodie Meadow, with PUSSE, an original Singapura cat (supposedly found on the streets of Singapore). Mrs. Meadow is widely credited with establishing the existence of the Singapura breed. 

This photo is from the September, 1980 issue of Cats Magazine.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Si Sawat's Sunan of Samdur, Korat male

Here's an early Korat Grand Champion - GC SI SAWAT'S SUNAN OF SAMDUR, Korat male, born September 3, 1968.

"Muscles" as he was known, lived to be 22 years of age. He was owned by Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Sample of Mesa, AZ.

This photo is from the records of Daphne Negus, in the collection of The CFA Foundation.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

A look back at Silver Persian breeders exhibiting at the California Silver Fanciers show on November 14, 1970 in Claremont, CA. According to the photo caption "It is significant because it is believed that this marked the first occasion at which a show drew no less than nine silver Grand Champions."

This photo is from Cat Fanciers' News, February, 1971

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mrs. Evelyn Minot / Mrs. Grace Over

Here is Mrs. Evelyn Minot, with her cat 'Pierre', at the 1957 CFF Jewel City Cat Club show, held in Glendale, CA. They are shown with judge Mrs. Grace Over, and the award presented. Mrs. Over, of GRAY-IVY cattery, became a CFA judge starting in 1962.

This photo from the scrapbook collection of Mrs. Roberta Billig, which was formerly housed at the Glendale Public Library (Glendale, CA), and is now in the collection of the Feline Historical Museum (Alliance, OH).

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Featured Cat - Lady Vere de Vere

Silver Tabby Longhair
born 22nd August 1896

It is almost 121 years since the birth of this little lady, a grand-daughter of Champion Silver Lambkin. She bridged the gap between her Great Great Grand-mother 'Chinnie' (the true foundation of the breed that carries her name) and her own great grandson, who was the magnificent chinchilla, 'Argent Glorioso'.

In 1901, as a five year old, she also traveled with some of her relatives from the UK to the USA, ultimately helping to establish the Chinchilla in that country from her owners' famous ARGENT bloodlines.

Sometimes the cats we have to breed with are far from perfect, but if we know their bloodlines and the strengths of their gene pool, then, with studious and selective breeding, we can draw out from them, future generations of much improved stock and an even better foundation for a future we may not be part of, but have contributed to!

That was certainly the situation with 'Lady Vere De Vere' - read her complete story here:

Friday, November 9, 2018

Featured Cat - Bogie

Burmese female
born circa 1891

For anyone with a serious interest in the BURMESE breed, this little dark brown cat named BOGIE, was owned by the Duchess of Bedford and lived on the Estate at Woburn Abbey. 

This particular cat raises questions about whether Burmese cats actually reached Britain between 35-60 years earlier than anticipated - and also possibly 35-40 years earlier than in the United States.

You can draw your own conclusions by viewing the new file on this cat, probably born circa 1891 (or earlier) and who was still living in 1901, when the Duchess was pictured with her, seated comfortably on her lap.

Read all about Bogie's story here:

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Louis Wain, artist/illustrator

Louis Wain (1860-1939) was one of the most prolific artists/illustrators of his time.  His wife was responsible for his career as an artist, as is was for her than he began to draw cats to keep her amused during an illness.

Wain was also heavily involved in the Cat Fancy, being a judge a cat shows, and President of the National Cat Club(UK), 1890-early 1900's.

For numerous years in the early 1900's, Wain published an "Annual" that contained hundreds of his illustrations, plus stories for children.

Cover of the 1909 Louis Wain's Annual
Today, Wain's artwork is greatly sought after and highly collectable, often commanding high asking prices.

Read more about Louis wain here:

Monday, November 5, 2018

Golden Flash, red tabby Persian female

Look at these cats!

This red tabby Persian, GOLDEN FLASH, was born December 31, 1901 (Robin x Beauty). She is registered (#696) in the Studbook of the Beresford Cat Club (Chicago, IL).

Bred by Miss Estelle Ward, and owned by Mrs. Charles Edwin Folsom.

Golden Flash won 1st and Special at the Boston show in 1903.

Photo from The Cat Journal, March 15, 1904.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Boston Cat Club Ribbons, early 1900's

The Feline Historical Museum in Alliance, Ohio, has a large collection of artifacts related to the early days of the Cat Fancy, such as these ribbons from Boston cat shows held in the early 1900's.  

The Feline Historical Museum is located at 260 East Main Street, Alliance, Ohio. It is open to the public 10am-4pm Tuesday-Friday, and 9am -noon on Saturday. Admission is free.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Featured Cat - Hiraja

Seal point Siamese, male
born April 18, 1907

This story will give you a glimpse into the life of 'Hiraja", a seal-point Siamese male bred by Mrs. Chilcott, of Lovel Dene, near Windsor Park. This particular Siamese male was a son of Mrs. Norris' 'Champion Kew King of Siam' who at that time was one of the most well-used males in the United Kingdom. He was also a half-brother to 'Champion Sancho' (1906) who was another hallmark Siamese stud male of the second half of the first decade. 

The Siamese as a breed was still developing into its phenotype during this critical period between the turn of the 20th century and the First World War, so this gives us a glimpse into those pre-Great-War times.

Read all about Hiraja here: