Friday, November 23, 2018

Featured Cat - Ankaret

Ruddy Abyssinian Female
born 1929

This little female was bred by Mrs Constance Carew Cox, of whom Mr H C Brooke had the following to say about her contribution to the Abyssinian breed:-

“Had not Mrs. Carew-Cox about this time devoted herself to the breed I very much fear it would, ere now, have become extinct. Neglected - Heaven knows why - by the Fancy at large in an inconceivable manner, this beautiful and interesting breed certainly owes its existence to-day mainly to the devoted care and affection bestowed upon it by Mrs.Carew-Cox, who for a quarter-of-a-century has fostered it in the face of discouragements which I verily believe would have "choked off" any other person in the Fancy.

“Not for her the "big business" in stud fees, the "queued-up" queens, the cups and specials galore, which fall to the lot of many Long-hair breeders; no, in the face of rotten judging, lack of recognition, poor prizes, lack of market, and a heart-breaking mortality in kittens, this plucky lady has carried the Abyssinian flag triumphantly through."

It is a touching tribute to her efforts to preserve the foundations of this truly amazing and unique breed.

Read the full story of Ankaret, her relatives and owners at

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