Sunday, November 11, 2018

Featured Cat - Lady Vere de Vere

Silver Tabby Longhair
born 22nd August 1896

It is almost 121 years since the birth of this little lady, a grand-daughter of Champion Silver Lambkin. She bridged the gap between her Great Great Grand-mother 'Chinnie' (the true foundation of the breed that carries her name) and her own great grandson, who was the magnificent chinchilla, 'Argent Glorioso'.

In 1901, as a five year old, she also traveled with some of her relatives from the UK to the USA, ultimately helping to establish the Chinchilla in that country from her owners' famous ARGENT bloodlines.

Sometimes the cats we have to breed with are far from perfect, but if we know their bloodlines and the strengths of their gene pool, then, with studious and selective breeding, we can draw out from them, future generations of much improved stock and an even better foundation for a future we may not be part of, but have contributed to!

That was certainly the situation with 'Lady Vere De Vere' - read her complete story here:

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