Sunday, November 25, 2018

Featured Cat - Paquita

Sable Burmese female
born June, 1956

The story of 'Paquita' runs parallel with the dissemination of All-American Burmese bloodlines across the globe. In this case, from American lines which had first made their way to Great Britain, and then from there to New Zealand and later, also to Australia.

'Paquita' was one of the first three Burmese cats to be exported from the UK to New Zealand. She was a young but prolific breeder and in her genetic make-up was a little dilute surprise! Her daughter 'Ransein Talisman', who was also a sable Burmese, was bred to Ch. Merrick Viking, another sable Burmese, and from this combination was born the first All-Blue litter of Burmese in the Southern Hemisphere.

Read all about Mrs. Sedcole's favorite cat, 'Paquita', here:

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