Monday, March 4, 2019

Legends of the Cat Fancy - Mr. H.C. Brooke


Our photo dates from 1902, and shows cat fancier and judge Mr. H.C. Brooke, well-known for his love of Manx and foreign shorthairs, especially Abyssinians. Many years after this photo was taken, he served as President of the Abyssinian Cat Club. He was a remarkable naturalist with specialist veterinary knowledge, and immense respect for wildlife. His love of foreign animals included many rare dog breeds, but his most remarkable ability was to take in young wolves and domesticate them.

From the pages of Our Cats Magazine, in an issue dated November 15th, 1899 we read the following announcement: 

Mrs H.C. Brooke writes: - “We have another Wolf now, she is a monster for her age, not six months. She already stands twenty-one inches at the shoulder. She is in the house all day, and goes out for miles every day. When I am writing she generally lies beside me on the sofa. Seven weeks ago today she came over, and was then quite wild.”

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