Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blue Persian - Wooloomooloo


Many cat fanciers who have been breeders or who are currently breeders sometimes struggle to find names for their cats, especially if they are looking for something to promote a specific theme, or which they would like to be unique. When the magnificent blue Persian male bred by Mrs. A. Smith and shown by Mr. W.R. Hawkins appeared at, and won top honours at, the first Crufts Cat Show in 1894, his name was singularly unique, appearing as he did in the catalogue as ‘WOOLOOMOOLOO’.

In Our Cats Magazine, in an article entitled ‘Pillars of the Stud Book’ published in 1901, Miss Frances Simpson explains how he came by that name: 

“In the blue Persian world, perhaps Wooloomooloo and Beauty Boy can claim more descendants than any other stud cats of this breed (variety). Wooloomooloo first made his debut at Crufts Show. Curiously enough this was the year in which I was sojourning in the suburb of Sydney, N.S.W., after which this noted cat was named.”

You can read all about the fabulous Wooloomooloo on The History Project at cat-o-pedia.org/wooloomooloo.html


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