Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Legends of the Cat Fancy - Royal Patronage


The Cat Fancy profited much from aristocratic patronage virtually from the beginning, with socialites like Lady Dorothy Nevill, Lady Mildred Beresford-Hope, Lady Cust and the Duchess of Sutherland all lending support. But by the late 1890’s members of the Royal Family were also adding their social weight behind the Fancy, none more-so than Queen Victoria’s grand-daughter HRH Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, who became Patron of the National Cat Club.


The young Princess was supported in her hobby by both her parents, each of whom also owned a Persian cat. This one, is a fine specimen of a Red Tabby & White, named ‘Ladybird’, who was the personal favourite and pet cat of the Princess’s father, Prince Christian. 

The family occupied Cumberland Lodge, a royal residence situated at the southern end of Great Windsor Park, for which Prince Christian held the honorary position of Ranger, from 1861 to his death in 1917.  This position had previously been held by Prince Albert, the Prince Consort, and is today held by Prince Philip, current Prince Consort. Princess Victoria built a fine cattery at Cumberland Lodge, and from there also exported some fine pedigreed Persian cats.

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